Diablo 2 amazon skills
Diablo 2 amazon skills

diablo 2 amazon skills

Be aware of the massive amount of Mana this skill goes through! Prepare your inventory with Potions accordingly and equip your Gemmed Cap if you have farmed Tir Rune s. They increase the explosion damage of your main damage dealing ability Exploding Arrow. Wait with the final Socket until you killed Andariel - She might drop a big Ruby.

  • Equip your Gemmed Hunter's Bow, ideally filled with 2x Chipped Ruby.
  • Also check for a 2-3 Socketed Hunter's Bow. Put the Runes into your Stash for storage.Ĭheck Charsi for the 2 Socketed Studded Leather, and 2x 2 Socketed Helmet at the start of each run. Find the Waypoint and start farming The Countess inside the Forgotten Tower for the below listed Runes. While ranged monsters are in range of you, they usually don't move a lot.
  • Against ranged monsters: Throw the Poison Javelin next to them and move to the opposite side of the line.
  • Against fast moving melee targets: Throw the Poison Javelin in front of you and run through the cloud to lure in the enemies.
  • There are different situations that require a different use: This attack creates a straight line of clouds, dealing Poison Damage to targets moving through it.
  • Start using Poison Javelin as soon as you hit Level 6.
  • Don't waste your time with individual monsters.
  • From this point onwards, Elite Groups are your primary focus when it comes to killing monsters.
  • Add both the Tome of Town Portal, and the Tome of Identify if possible. Buy some Life and Stamina Potion s from Akara as well.
  • Return to town, sell the items to Charsi and purchase a bunch of Javelin stacks.
  • You can use them to repair the expensive Lower Resist and Teleport Charges by putting 1 Chipped Gem + 1 Ort Rune and the Charges-item into the Horadric Cube and hit Transmute.

    diablo 2 amazon skills

    Pick up a couple of Chipped Gems and put them into your Stash.Important: Pick up and keep any type of Ruby for later use! When you come across Gem Shrines, drop every Gem apart from your highest Ruby to upgrade them as high as possible.

    diablo 2 amazon skills

    Keep using Throw with your javelin to kill your enemies until you hit Level 6.

  • Clear out the Den of Evil and pick up items to sell, like Ring s, Amulet s, Charms, etc.

  • Diablo 2 amazon skills